Item upload from CSV to Fashion Domino

Subscription Type
Please select a subscription type for Pricing.
This script will automate the uploading of your items from the CSV file to the Fashion Domino website, including images. If an item already exists on Fashion Domino, only the new colors will be added to that existing item.

Pre Requsite:

Please set your default to FD Category and Theme on your "My Company" profile in the FD admin page.


CSV File:

  • Please download our predefined CSV file template


  • If you open the CSV file, you will see as shown below.

CSV file for Fashion Domino

(*) Please do not change the order of columns

(*) Color, Size Pack, and Category should be set on Fashion Domino before you uploading the file.

Mandatory fields: ItemNo, Name, Color, Size, Pack, OrgPrice, Category, Description

Optional fields: SalePrice, Image, FabricContents, InternalNote


Color : If you have multiple colors, please separate colors by a comma.

Size: Size Code should be separated by a comma.

Pack: Please follow the same rule as Size.

Image: Please keep the following name:

Color Name | File Name


(*) Please set your local image folder name in your JaBot client. (ex. C:\Users\Public\Pictures\)

Image folder setting

  • If your CSV file is ready, please import the file to your JaBot client 

Import CSV File

How to Run:

1. Please login to your Fashion Domino admin site (

Option 1. Please double click the script name "Item_Upload_from_CSV" under "Fashion_Domino folder in your JaBot client.

Option 2. Please right click on the script name and click the "Play" menu.


Complete Item Uploading:

Please click your JaBot "Logs" tab and check if there is no error message.

By default, the uploaded items will be in a disabled state, so please review your items and enable them in the FD admin site.