Item upload from Fashion Domino to Hubventory

Subscription Type
Please select a subscription type for Pricing.
This script will automate your item uploading from the Fashion Domino to the Hubventory website including images.

Pre Requsite:

  • Please set the Hubventory product category on the FD product category page (e.g., Women > Dress > Casual)
  • You need to designate your local folder as the Image folder for uploading images.
  • Additionally, you have to set the following default values in configuration.csv file.




Image folder setting

How to Run:

1. Please login to your Hubventory admin site.

2. Please login to your Fashion Domino admin site (

3. From Products menu, please check items to sync and click Hubventory Icon icon.

4. A dynamic Storlinker script (Item_Sync_{DATE}_{TIME}) will be created in your Storlinker extension.

Only active items will be uploaded.

** Please do not touch you keyboard or mouse while your task is running **


Complete Item Uploading:

Please click your Storlinker extension "Logs" tab and check if there is no error message.

By default, the uploaded items will be in a disabled state, so please review your items and enable them in the Hubventory admin site.