Item upload from Fashion Domino to Shopify

Subscription Type
Please select a subscription type for Pricing.
This script will automate the uploading of your items from Fashion Domino to the Shopify website, including images. If an item already exists on Shopify, only the new colors or sizes will be added to the existing item, and the prices will be updated accordingly.

Pre Requsite:

You need to set the configuation file.

  • Please download our configuration CSV file, enter your Shopify URL into it, and then upload the file to the JaBot client CSV section
  • Example:

           3,SHOPIFY_TOKEN, your-token



  • Please specify the Shopify product type on the FD product page or the FD category page (e.g., Dresses)
  • If you wish to assign a different retail price on Shopify, please enter your retail price on the FD product page
  • You need to designate your local folder as the Image folder for uploading images.

Image folder setting

How to Run:

1. Please login to your Shopify brand admin site.

2. Please login to your Fashion Domino admin site (

3. From Products menu, please check items to sync and click Shopify Icon icon.

4. A dynamic JaBot script (Item_Sync_{DATE}_{TIME}) will be created in your JaBot Client.

Only active items will be uploaded.

** Please do not touch you keyboard or mouse while JaBot script is running **


Complete Item Uploading:

Please click your JaBot "Logs" tab and check if there is no error message.

By default, the uploaded items will be in a disabled state, so please review your items and enable them in the Shopify brand admin site.