Item upload from Shopify to Fashion Domino

Subscription Type
Please select a subscription type for Pricing.
This script will automate the uploading of your items from Shopify to Fashion Domino, including images.

Pre Requsite:

You need a Fashion Domino API key.

  • Please download our configuration CSV file, enter your FD API key into it, and then upload the file to the StorLinker extension CSV section.


  • Also, please create a file named 'shopify_fd_mnp.csv', which contains a mapping table of your Shopify categories to the FD (Fashion Domino) vendor categories and upload the file to the StorLinker extension CSV section.



How to Run:

1. Please login to your Shopify admin site.

2. Check the products you wish to upload from the Shopify Products list screen.

3. Open the Storlinker extension and double-click "Item_Upload_to_FD" in the Shopify folder.


Complete Item Uploading:

Click on the "Logs" tab in your Storlinker extension and ensure there are no error messages.

By default, the uploaded items will be in a disabled state, so please review your items and enable them in the FD admin site.